Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Old West Townscape

Back in 2016 my regular gaming partner and I decided to brush off a set of rules from Warhammer Historical - Legends of the Old West.  We had been talking about Wild West rules and although Dead Mans Hand was reasonably popular in our FLGS, Phill and I have a reputation for playing unconventional rules systems.  I didn't know at the time but they were based on the Lord of the Rings mechanic (which ironically is our current game of choice).

We had some generic terrain, trees and rocks etc but the Old West needs a town to fight over and lots of terrain for the all important In The Way rolls, so figuring if we could each construct 5-6 buildings we'd have a town in no time.

I've pulled together some photos of wips and finished articles.  Construction was coffee stirrers, card and balsa.

The first is the mercantile and dry goods outlet.

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