Thursday, 3 January 2019

Endgame in Deliverance Falls

Our now traditional post Christmas and pre-New Year took place in the Old West town of Deliverance Falls, developing the ongoing conflict between the Regulators of cattle baron Joe Dalton and the remnants of the McGregor Fur Trading Company.  I say remnants as they haven't had much luck in the last few games, necessitating some ahem, personnel changes.

We tend to construct the story depending on the events of the previous game and amend one of the scenarios to suit.  The Fur Traders have gotten wind that the notorious bar owner Al Swidgen has found documents pertaining to disputed land ownership.  Big Joe says it's his, the McGregors say it ain't.

Both gangs rode into town at the same time with the view to persuade Swidgen to reveal the whereabouts of the papers.  They had to beat Swidgen in a fight, spend one turn searching the office and then leave the board.

The first game was a scrappy affair with a stairwell fight to rival the scene in Daredevil.  The McGregors beat the Daltons to the objective but were unable to leave the board before being forced to Head to the Hills.

The second game, Last Chance Saloon, saw a tense game of maneuver and daring do.  The McGregors had to escort a sympathetic lawyer to a waiting stage, where he would travel to the big city to lodge a formal challenge.  The Amazing Dr Goode was in town selling his mystical formula for wellness so main street was full of civilians and neither side wanted to cause any casualties that would get the sheriff on their trail.

Highlight for me was my new wrangler lassoing someone on the balcony and dragging them to the ground below, it amused me more than my opponent.

Another Head for the Hills for the McGregor, leaving Big Joe the unchallenged Boss of this town.

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