Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

Lord of the Rings

During the summer I heard that GW were re releasing their Lord of the Rings strategy game and having missed out last time due to travel, finances and, to be honest, a lack of interested friends, I decided to pick up one or two figures.

I asked a friend if I could have one or two figures for my son who had got into the movies and I received some Rohan, Elves and Goblins.  I gave the Elves to the Inseläffchen to paint and I think he did a good job and I worked on the Rohan.

However, as is the way of all things I searched ebay and bought more Rohan and Mordor and thought, 'that'll do for a side project'. 

Then came a Mumakil.

Then came the new box set with the Witch King and Theoden.

Forth Eorlingas!

And finally (no, really) the Fellowship.  I was surprised how easy they were to paint and although i'm no great painter I think they came out really well.  They are due to take on the might of Moria on Thursday.  I hope they survive.

The game itself is quite simple and seems to rely on rolling 6's - the more dice you roll the better your chances.  The mechanic is the one used later on Legends of the Old West so is familiar.  We've had a couple of games recently and its been fun.

Gothmog versus Eomer

Mordor versus Gondor